
自从我们成立皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校眼科健康中心以来, 我们的队伍一直在全国名列前茅.

Women at eye exam
A nurse with warm smile is holding a hand of young girl patient while her guardian is in the background.


The ophthalmology services and program at the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康斯坦眼科研究所是全国同类研究所中评价最高的. Since U.S. News & World Report began its hospital rankings in 1990, we have been among the top five eye care centers in the country and the best in the western United States.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校斯坦因眼科研究所由朱尔斯·斯坦因于1966年建立, MD, and Bradley Straatsma, MD, JD, 我们眼科的创始主席. 当您选择皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心进行眼科护理时,您将受益于:

Comprehensive programs: We offer a full range of ophthalmology services through the Stein Eye Institute and Doheny Eye Centers. 我们的目标是通过病人护理项目来预防失明, vision research, training and outreach. We offer a wide range of subspecialty programs so that all patients have access to the targeted care they need.

Research-driven treatments: 我们的团队在多个眼科护理里程碑中发挥了关键作用. For example, we performed the first stem cell-derived transplant of retinal cells (cells that help you see) to treat legally blind patients. Patients in our program continue to have access to leading-edge, research-based treatment options.

Recognized expertise: Our opthalmologists are excellent at patient care and research and have achieved recognition for their expertise. 例如,我们每年有近24名临床医生在 Los Angeles Magazine’s “Top Doctors.”

Our areas of care

我们的许多专家研究并实施针对大多数眼病的新疗法. Experts conduct robust research and deliver the latest treatments at these academic centers:

Aesthetic Center

专家们通过手术来治疗那些想要改善外表的病人. For example, 治疗可能包括眼睑重塑, 通过脂肪移植或吸脂来改变一个人的面部特征. Patients who want aesthetic surgery receive care from specialists trained in both ophthalmic and plastic surgery.


UCLA Health ophthalmology conducts research in public health ophthalmology and provide high-impact, community-based services. 例如,我们的流动眼科诊所改善了服务不足皇冠hga020电脑版获得护理的机会.

Center for Eye Epidemiology

专家们采用团队合作的方法来研究致盲性疾病. Private donations, 包括一笔由艾曼森基金会设立的捐款, fund this research center, established in 1997.

Clinical Research Center

我们为包括病人护理在内的研究提供核心支持. 每一个临床试验和研究都涉及到至关重要的问题, 使我们能够继续这项研究的幕后细节. At present, we are conducting almost 80 clinical research studies to help us better understand eye disorders and treatments.


Our ophthalmologists specialize in treating patients with diabetes-related eye conditions. Established more than a decade ago, the center has contributed significantly both to the understanding and the care of eye diseases in people with diabetes.

Laser Refractive Center

专家提供超现代的视力矫正治疗. We were one of a limited number of study sites in the United States that participated in the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clinical trial of excimer laser technology. We also were the first site in Los Angeles to use FDA-approved laser treatment to correct myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism (imperfect eye curvature).

Macular Disease Center

Our team offers high-quality care and rehabilitation and promotes collaborative research for macular degeneration (an eye disease that causes vision loss). Patients in this program, established in 1994, 经常通过临床试验获得新的治疗方法. 

Mobile Eye Clinic

For more than 40 years, we’ve provided eye exams and screenings in neighborhoods where poverty and vision disabilities intersect. This 39-foot-long bus is outfitted with equipment for eye exams and supported by charitable donations. Each year, we provide eye care to more than 20,在南皇冠hga025有1万名得不到充分服务的成人和儿童.  

Ocular Inflammatory Disease Center

我们在1985年建立了这个中心来协调研究, 炎性眼病的教育和患者护理. 炎症性疾病包括那些引起眼睛肿胀和破坏组织的疾病. We have a long history of participating in clinical and drug therapy trials that advance our understanding of these diseases.

Ophthalmic Oncology Center

Specialists have renowned expertise in teaching, research and clinical management of tumors. Our program has achieved international recognition for the diagnosis and treatment of ocular melanoma (cancer of the eye).

我们是一个全国性的、长期的眼癌研究中心. 我们也在眼部黑色素瘤合作研究中发挥了重要作用, 这是一项由国家眼科研究所赞助的重要研究项目.

Optic Neuropathy Center

专家治疗影响视神经的疾病. 你的视神经将图像从你的眼睛传递到你的大脑,这样你就能看到. 如果你有视神经问题, 你的治疗可能需要眼科医生的专业知识, orbital surgeons, neurologists, neuroradiologists or neurosurgeons.

Orbital Disease Center

我们研究和治疗外伤引起的眼眶(骨眼窝)疾病, cancer, inflammation or infection. Our multidisciplinary collaboration offers patients a level of knowledge and expertise not found elsewhere in Southern California. 我们在甲状腺眼病方面也有一个活跃的项目, 通过它,我们研究了影响内分泌系统的眼部疾病.

Vision Genetics Center

We address the full spectrum of hereditary eye disorders (disorders you inherit from your parents). We offer diagnosis and treatment, as well as genetic counseling or DNA testing when appropriate.

Specialists in the Vision Genetics Center成立于1978年,与世界各地的基因研究小组合作. Our efforts ensure that patients have access to the most advanced treatments and clinical trials.  

Vision Rehabilitation Center

Our team provides rehabilitation services to help people with low vision maximize their function and improve their quality of life. We tailor the treatment plan to a patient’s individual goals and can help anyone who has difficulty with visual tasks, such as reading.

We also conduct research studies and pioneer novel ways to help people with vision loss. For example, we developed a system that uses rehabilitation delivered virtually to increase access to care. 这种方法包括与医生进行视频会议. Now, we are part of a national, 多中心试验来评估这种新方法如何提高阅读能力.

Eye conditions we treat

我们的专家是诊断方面的专家, 治疗和管理所有影响眼睛的疾病, 包括儿童视力问题. Common conditions we treat include:

Astigmatism: 眼睛不完美的弯曲导致视力模糊.

Blepharitis: 眼睑发炎会导致眼睛干涩、红肿.

Cataracts: 当蛋白质在你的眼睛里积聚并导致视力浑浊或模糊时.

Conjunctivitis (pinkeye): Inflammation or infection in your eye that causes itching, redness and crusting around the eye.

Glaucoma: 损害视神经(传递图像到大脑的神经)的情况, 通常是由眼部压力的累积引起的.

Macular degeneration: Deterioration of your retina (the back part of your eye that interprets and sends images to your brain).

Myopia (nearsightedness): A common vision condition in which you can focus on close objects but not on objects that are far away.

Treatments ophthalmologists offer

我们的目标是找到最好、最有效的眼病治疗方案. 我们提供一系列非手术和手术治疗.

Nonsurgical treatments

我们的专家照顾常规和复杂的眼病. 我们提供的非手术治疗包括:

Anti-glare glasses: 用来改善视力同时减少眼睛疲劳的设备.

Artificial tears: 改善眼睛表面的润滑和水分的眼药水.

Contact lenses: 直接放在眼睛表面的薄装置可以改善视力.

Eye drops: 含有生理盐水和类固醇或抗组胺药等药物的滴剂.

Eye patches: 眼罩用布、塑料或胶布制成的遮盖眼睛的装置.

Warm compresses for your eyes: 用一块干净、温暖的布敷在眼睛上,缓解肿胀、疼痛或炎症.

Surgical treatments

我们为各种眼病提供以研究为基础的先进手术治疗. Common surgeries include:

Blepharoplasty: Plastic surgery to change the appearance of your eyelids, often by correcting droopiness. 

Corneal transplant: 用供体组织修复角膜(覆盖眼睛的透明组织). 

Orbital decompression: Removing fat or bone from behind the eye so that your eye sits back further in its socket.

Photodynamic therapy: 将光能与特定的药物结合以摧毁癌前细胞或癌细胞.

Pneumatic retinopexy: Injecting your eye with a small air bubble to push the retina in place while your surgeon repairs retinal tears. 

Strabismus surgery: Surgically loosening or tightening eye muscles to correct irregular eye alignment (crossed eyes).

Vitrectomy: Removing fluid from the eye to treat problems with the retina or vitreous humor (the gel-like tissue that fills your eyeball).

Our expert team

The specialists on our ophthalmology team 在眼科疾病的研究和临床护理方面处于领先地位. 我们使用最新的技术,并开创了先进的治疗方案.

Contact us

Call 310-825-5000 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的眼科专家.

Find your care

Our ophthalmology team offers the most advanced treatments for all types of eye conditions. 欲了解更多信息,请致电您的供应商.
